Posted tagged ‘Trevor’

Faith, Grace and Happiness

August 4, 2010

Crafts – new

July 22, 2010

Here are a few recent jewelry making projects I have completed. Last fall, I was mostly making bracelets. Now I am focusing on whole sets (necklace, bracelet and earrings). I have also seen some cute watch faces that I can make beaded bands for, so I am thinking about trying that out in the near future.

Gale Toggle Bracelet by Crystal Howard 7/20/10

Shelly by Crystal Howard July 2010

Sophisticate Necklace/Bracelet/earrings Set by Crystal Howard, July 2010

Root Beer Float Necklace/bracelet/earrings Set by Crystal Howard 7/21/10

Projects currently in progress

April 26, 2010

Spring is a time of greatly manic behavior for me. I am definitely not bipolar, but very type A and determined to find my nitch. There are not many hands-on/creative hobbies that I won’t try. Right now I am growing my own flowers and vegetables from seed (to transplant outdoors when the weather warms up), have a painting half done, beginning a king size quilt, and posting my blogs. This is in addition to my normal life which is full time work, full time college, two toddlers, the husband, house and pets. But I must like it busy.

I try to keep myself mentally grounded, even in the few moments I may have to think between all of my activities. I would very much regret becoming someone that keeps themselves busy to prevent having to “know” themself. I very much want to know myself as well as like myself. Some people have a difficult time being around me much because I am so intensely “busy” with my own things all the time (which often others do not find nearly as interesting as I do). Often people say that they wish they could do what I do, but I really don’t think that’s true. I enjoy having talent and ambition (at least that’s what I call it), but having so many choices and likes can really make your head spin!

On to my next task!